NPN eARTh: Eco-Brick Building x PFEA



An ecobrick is a building block made entirely from unrecyclable plastic. It's created by filling a plastic bottle with clean, dry plastic until it's packed tightly and can be used as a building block.

Check out how how you to make some at home courtesy of


Ecoparque in Tijuana

We got connected with Samuel from Borderlands fund ( a Global Immersion project) through our friendship and partnership with Shabrae from Umbral, who provides art based therapy training for those working with refugee communities along the Tijuana border. Some of the safe houses they work with are making eco-bricks and plarning (plastic bag crochet) workshops for #NoPlasticNovember. Ladies are already making shampoo bars and kombucha to support eco-living and their own financial liberation. Through El Colef,Samuel also has an amazing eco-park project and is looping in 4 Walls to support in turning the eco-bricks into park benches!