Groundswell Surf Therapy Research Finding Impact in Body Acceptance, Resilience, and Emotional Regulation

The Groundswell Community Surf Therapy Intervention for At-Risk Women and Changes in Body Acceptance, Resilience, and Emotional Regulation

Since 2018 Groundswell Community Project was working alongside Dr Paul Mills and his team at UCSD to explore and better understand the true impact of Groundswell’s unique trauma informed Surf Therapy modeled impacted women overcoming addiction, abuse, isolation, depression, grief, and loss. Over 4 years of collecting data using client centered and trauma informed practices we are excited to have our research findings published by the Global Advances in Integrative Medicine and HealthVolume 13, January-December 2024.

Read full Publication HERE

We can not thank the team of authors, researcher, volunteers, and staff that helped bring this research and findings into publish. And even more so, deep gratitude to the women who offered to take place in this research project sharing their story, experiences, and heart so the benefits of Surf Therapy can be accessed by women and their families around the world.

As you read the publication please send them gratitude for their vulnerability in saying yes to the research, yes to their healing journey, and yes to their hearts call to the sea. We hope this work will be used to inspire you and your community to say yes to your own hearts call back to self, back to community, and back to mother ocean.

Natalie Small